trinket dishes

DIY Jesmonite Trinket Dish Making: Craft Your Own Chic Dishes at Home!

DIY Jesmonite Trinket Dish Making: Craft Your Own Chic Dishes at Home!

Crafting Stylish Jesmonite Trinket Dishes: A Step-by-Step DIY Guide

Whether you're a seasoned DIY enthusiast or just looking for a fun weekend project, crafting these stylish and functional trinket dishes is a fantastic way to tap into your inner artist. In this step-by-step guide, I'll walk you through the process, from gathering materials to adding your personal flair to the final product.

Materials You'll Need:

First things first, let's talk about the materials you'll need to create your Jesmonite trinket dish. The good news is that you won't need anything too fancy or hard to find. Most of the items can be picked up at your local craft store or ordered online.


1. Jesmonite Base and Liquid

Jesmonite is a versatile, eco-friendly, and non-toxic material that's perfect for crafting. You can find it in various colours, so pick the one that suits your style.


2. Silicone Mold

Choose a silicone mould in the shape and size you desire for your trinket dish. You can find these online.


3. Mixing Container

Opt for a disposable or reusable container to mix the Jesmonite. A plastic or silicone container works great.


4. Stirring Stick or Spoon

You'll need something to mix the Jesmonite thoroughly. A wooden stick or a disposable plastic spoon will do the trick.


5. Measuring Cups

To ensure the right Jesmonite-to-liquid ratio, use measuring cups. It's crucial for the curing process.


6. Sandpaper (Various Grits)

To smooth and finish your trinket dish, have some sandpaper on hand. Different grits will help you achieve different levels of smoothness.


7. Paints, Pigments, or Dyes (Optional)

If you want to add some colour to your trinket dish, gather paints, pigments, or dyes in your preferred shades.


8. Sealant (Optional)

A sealant or varnish can give your trinket dish a glossy finish and extra durability.

Now that you have your materials ready, let's dive into the creative process!

Step 1: Prepare Your Workspace

Before you get started, make sure you're working in a clean and well-ventilated area. It's essential to protect your surfaces from spills, so lay down some newspaper or a plastic tablecloth. Keep paper towels and a bowl of soapy water nearby for quick cleanups.


Step 2: Measure Jesmonite Base and Liquid

Now, let's mix up some Jesmonite magic! Measure out the Jesmonite base and liquid according to the instructions on the packaging. Typically, the ratio is 2 parts base to 1 part liquid, but always check your specific product for accurate measurements.


Step 3: Mix Thoroughly

In your mixing container, combine the measured Jesmonite base and liquid. Use your stirring stick or spoon to thoroughly mix them together. Be sure to scrape the sides and bottom of the container to get a uniform consistency. You should aim for a smooth, lump-free mixture.


Step 4: Pour into the Mould

Carefully pour the Jesmonite mixture into your prepared silicone mould. Fill it up to your desired thickness, keeping in mind that Jesmonite shrinks slightly as it cures. If you're making multiple trinket dishes with different colours, this is the stage where you can get creative. Add pigments, dyes, or paints to achieve the colours and patterns you want.


Step 5: Release Air Bubbles

To ensure your trinket dish is as flawless as possible, tap the mould gently on your work surface to release any trapped air bubbles. You can also use a toothpick or a small stick to pop any bubbles that rise to the surface.


Step 6: Allow to Cure

Now comes the waiting game. The curing time for Jesmonite can vary depending on the product and environmental conditions, but it typically takes around 3 hours. During this time, keep your mould undisturbed in a dry and temperate area. Don't rush this step; patience is key for the best results.


Step 7: De-mould Carefully

After the curing time has passed, carefully remove your trinket dish from the silicone mould. Gently flex and bend the mould to release the edges, then push the dish out from the bottom. If it doesn't come out easily, be patient and work slowly to avoid damaging your creation.


Step 8: Sand and Smooth

Your trinket dish might have some rough edges or imperfections from the moulding process. To make it perfectly smooth, use various grits of sandpaper to sand the edges and surface. Start with a coarse grit and gradually move to a finer one for a polished finish. Remember to wear a mask and work in a well-ventilated area when sanding.


Step 9: Add Personal Touches (Optional)

Now's the time to get creative! If you want to add decorative touches, like marbling or hand-painted designs, go for it. Acrylic paints, metallic accents, and even tiny decorations like beads or crystals can make your trinket dish uniquely yours. Let your imagination run wild!


Step 10: Seal the Deal (Optional)

To protect your trinket dish and give it a glossy finish, consider applying a sealant or varnish. Be sure to follow the product's instructions for the best results. This step is optional, but it can enhance the longevity and visual appeal of your creation.


Step 11: Admire Your Handiwork

Congratulations! You've just crafted your very own Jesmonite trinket dish. Take a moment to admire your handiwork and bask in the satisfaction of creating something beautiful and functional with your own two hands.


Safety Precautions:

Before we wrap up, let's talk about some safety precautions to ensure your crafting experience is safe and enjoyable:


1. Wear Protective Gear

When handling Jesmonite, especially during sanding, wear a dust mask or respirator to protect your lungs. Also, consider wearing gloves to keep your hands clean.


2. Work in a Well-Ventilated Area

Proper ventilation is essential when working with Jesmonite. Open windows and use fans to ensure good airflow, especially when mixing and sanding.


3. Follow Product Instructions

Always read and follow the instructions provided with your Jesmonite product, as curing times and safety recommendations can vary.


4. Handle Chemicals Safely

Be mindful when handling chemicals like pigments or dyes. Follow their specific safety guidelines and avoid contact with eyes or skin.


5. Clean Up Thoroughly

Dispose of leftover Jesmonite and cleaning materials properly. Jesmonite is eco-friendly, but it's essential to be environmentally responsible.


6. Keep Out of Reach of Children and Pets

Store your crafting materials and finished trinket dishes in a safe place to prevent accidents.

Now that you have all the tools, knowledge, and safety precautions in hand, it's time to unleash your creativity and start crafting those stunning Jesmonite trinket dishes. Whether you make them for yourself or as heartfelt gifts for loved ones, these unique creations are bound to add a touch of charm to any space. Happy crafting, and don't forget to have fun along the way!

Check out Saskia Eves' exquisite range of trinket dishes for inspiration and unique designs.

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